Let's Talk About... Criminal Records Age 7-11 Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Let's Talk About... Criminal Records Age 7-11 Lesson Plan
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The lesson plan titled 'Let's Talk About... Criminal Records' is aimed at children aged 7-11 and is designed to facilitate an understanding of the consequences of criminal behaviour and the impact of having a criminal record. The session begins with a starter activity where pairs of learners read through scenarios of children making mistakes, discussing the reasons behind these actions and potential preventative measures. This is followed by a whole-class discussion on the importance of the topic, highlighting that children and teenagers are still developing and yet can be held accountable for crimes they commit.

As the lesson continues, learners explore how one might acquire a criminal record through engaging with examples of different crimes and evaluating which could lead to a criminal record. They then examine the ramifications of having a criminal record in small groups and as a class, debating the fairness of these outcomes and considering various perspectives. The lesson encourages active participation through an activity where learners physically position themselves to indicate their stance on opinions about criminal records. Furthermore, learners are challenged to think creatively by devising their own law based on the lesson's content. The lesson concludes with a moment for individual reflection and a reminder for students to seek guidance from a trusted adult if they have concerns. Additional resources and information are made available to learners and teachers for further exploration of the subject. The lesson aims to educate students on personal safety, recognising unsafe situations, and seeking help or advice for themselves or others persistently until they are heard.

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