Let's Talk About Discrimination Age 7-11 Presentation lesson

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Let's Talk About Discrimination Age 7-11 Presentation lesson
Votes For Schools
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The "Let's Talk About Discrimination" presentation is an educational tool crafted to engage children aged 7 to 11 in a crucial conversation about discrimination. The lesson aims to raise awareness and promote understanding among young learners about the different forms and implications of discriminatory behaviour. Through interactive discussions and thought-provoking content, the presentation seeks to explain what discrimination is, how it can affect individuals and communities, and why it's important to recognise and challenge it. The lesson is structured to foster an inclusive environment where students feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences related to discrimination.

During the lesson, students will explore various scenarios and examples that illustrate discriminatory practices, helping them to identify such behaviour in their own lives and the wider world. The presentation encourages critical thinking and empathy by prompting students to consider how they would feel if they were subjected to discrimination and how they can support others who might be facing it. By the end of the session, the aim is for students to have a clearer understanding of the importance of equality and respect for all, regardless of differences, and to feel empowered to stand up against discrimination in all its forms.

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