Is fake news always bad Lesson Plan

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Is fake news always bad Lesson Plan
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The lesson plan titled "Is fake news always bad?" is designed for Key Stage 2 pupils and offers a structured approach to exploring the concept of fake news. The lesson begins with an optional feedback segment where the results of the previous week's national vote on bullying reduction in schools can be shared. This is followed by a starter activity lasting 4-6 minutes, where pupils reflect on instances where they may have stretched the truth, discussing their motives and the outcomes of doing so.

The lesson continues with a brief introduction to the VoteTopic and outlines the Learning Journey for the week. Pupils are then engaged in a discussion about recent deepfake videos and Donald Trump's views on fake news, helping them understand the relevance of the topic. They are introduced to historical examples of fake news, sparking conversation on why such information might be spread. A more in-depth activity follows, where pupils examine various types of fake news, their motivations, and target audiences, encouraging them to draw parallels with examples they have encountered. The crux of the lesson involves pupils assessing the potential harm caused by fake news through analysis and debate of specific instances. A dynamic activity allows pupils to physically position themselves in response to different opinions on fake news, fostering a lively debate and deeper critical thinking. The session concludes with a voting activity, where pupils consider both sides of the argument before casting their vote. Additionally, the lesson plan includes a fake news checklist, which, along with the BBC iReporter game, equips pupils with practical tools to discern and report on the authenticity of news items they encounter.

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