Reducing bullying in your school Lesson Presentation

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Year 3 - Year 6
Reducing bullying in your school Lesson Presentation
Votes For Schools
Votes For Schools
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The VotesForSchools2019 initiative presents a comprehensive lesson presentation aimed at reducing bullying within schools, targeted at Key Stage 2 pupils. The session begins with a pair talk exercise where students discuss two scenarios to determine if they constitute bullying, defined as the intentional and repeated harm through words or actions. The presentation prompts students to contemplate whether bullying can be lessened within their educational environment, encouraging them to reflect on the current measures in place that contribute to their safety and happiness. The lesson plan also includes a class vote to identify who bears the most responsibility for preventing bullying among parents, teachers, and pupils.

The lesson continues with a learning journey that asks why the topic is important, whose duty it is to address it, and what changes individuals can make. Students partake in table tasks to assign responsibilities for preventing bullying to different members of the school community. They then engage in group tasks using a spinner wheel to select actions that could positively impact hypothetical scenarios involving students who may feel isolated or upset. The presentation emphasises the significance of small actions in creating a welcoming and supportive school atmosphere. The lesson concludes with an individual activity where pupils commit to personal changes that will contribute to a bullying-free environment, culminating in a collective call to action for the entire class to show their commitment to anti-bullying efforts.