Week 30, lesson 4 Spelling High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 30, lesson 4 Spelling High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The fourth lesson of Week 30 in the Phonics Phase 5 curriculum is centered on spelling high frequency words (HFWs) that students have been learning. The objective of the lesson is to practice spelling these commonly encountered words to enhance reading fluency and writing accuracy. The lesson begins with a 'Word Breaker' activity where the teacher selects a word, pronounces it aloud, and invites the children to break it down into its individual sounds before saying the word together again. This exercise is repeated with several words to reinforce phonemic awareness.

During the 'Teach' phase, a child is encouraged to pick a high frequency word from a hat and decode it, with assistance if needed, before sharing it with the class. Another volunteer is then asked to identify the sounds within the word, which the entire class repeats in unison. The teacher then demonstrates how to write the word, articulating each sound as they write. This process is carried out with multiple high frequency words to solidify understanding. In the 'Practise' segment, a game called 'Missing Letter' is played where a word is presented on the board with a letter omitted, indicated by a blank line. The class is tasked with identifying the correct letter to complete the word. Finally, in the 'Apply' stage, children are given the opportunity to write dictated words on their mini whiteboards, allowing them to apply their phonics knowledge in a practical writing task. This structured approach to spelling ensures that students are actively engaged in learning and are able to apply their phonics skills to spell high frequency words with confidence.

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