Week 29, lesson 2 Write the Story activity - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Worksheet

Year 1
Week 29, lesson 2 Write the Story activity - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Worksheet
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The "Write the Story" worksheet is an engaging activity designed to stimulate the creativity and writing skills of children who are at Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3. The worksheet presents a simple yet open-ended task: students are invited to craft a short story inspired by an accompanying picture. This visual prompt serves as a springboard for their imagination, encouraging them to weave a narrative that brings the image to life. The lines provided on the worksheet offer a structured space for students to express their ideas in written form, helping them to organise their thoughts and practice their spelling and grammar within the context of their story.

This activity is tailored to reinforce the phonics knowledge acquired in Phase 5, where students are learning various graphemes and phonemes, and how they come together to form words. By engaging in the "Write the Story" task, students apply their phonetic understanding in a practical and creative way. The worksheet is a component of the comprehensive "All Aboard Phonics" program, which provides a structured approach to literacy that builds upon the foundations laid in previous units. The activity is not only educational but also enjoyable, allowing children to take ownership of their learning through the art of storytelling.

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