Week 28, lesson 3 Review Day "n" and "m" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan.

Year 1
Week 28, lesson 3 Review Day "n" and "m" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan.
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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During Week 28, lesson 3, children will revisit and reinforce their understanding of the phonemes /n/ and /m/. The objective for the day is clear: to review the spellings associated with these sounds. The lesson begins with a 'Quickdash Words' activity, where the class will decode a series of words that have been previously introduced, paying particular attention to the sound buttons drawn underneath each word. This exercise ensures that students are able to identify each phoneme within the word and articulate it correctly.

The teaching segment introduces the Nurse and Moose pictophones as visual aids to help the children recall words containing the /n/ and /m/ phonemes. The teacher models the writing of various words, such as 'knight', 'gnaw', 'dinner', and 'hammer', and underlines the graphemes that represent the target sounds. In the practice phase, an engaging 'Spot the Fake' activity is employed, where children sound out both real and nonsense words written on coins and sort them accordingly – into a treasure chest for real words or a bin for fake ones. Finally, the application of the lesson's objectives is tested with mini whiteboard work, where children are dictated a list of words to write, further cementing their understanding of the /n/ and /m/ phonemes.