Week 27, lesson 1 Phonemes "tch, ch" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
English Resource Description
In the first lesson of Week 27, students in Phase 5, Unit 3 of their phonics learning journey will explore the consonant sounds "tch" and "ch". The objective of this lesson is to introduce pupils to the various spellings of the /ch/ phoneme. The lesson starts with a Quickdash activity where children quickly identify phonemes from grapheme flashcards, including digraphs and trigraphs, to revisit what they have learned so far. This fast-paced review helps to reinforce their existing knowledge and prepare them for the new content.
The teaching segment introduces the Chick pictophone, which represents the /ch/ phoneme, and students are shown the different graphemes that can be used to spell this sound: