Week 25, lesson 2 Review Day "air" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 25, lesson 2 Review Day "air" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the second lesson of Week 25, part of Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3, the class revisits the /air/ sound to strengthen their understanding of its various spellings. The objective for the day is clear: to review the spellings for the /air/ phonemes. The session begins with a 'Quickdash Words' activity where words from recent lessons are displayed on the board, each accompanied by sound buttons. The class works together to decode the words, focusing on each phoneme individually and pointing to the corresponding sound buttons to reinforce their phonetic knowledge.

The teaching segment introduces the Aircraft pictophone, a visual aid to help students remember the /air/ phoneme. The teacher models the writing of words that contain the /air/ sound, such as 'hair', 'rare', and 'pear', underlining the graphemes that represent the /air/ phoneme to highlight their significance. During the practice phase, students engage in a 'Word Sort' activity. Words are written on the board and sorted into different grapheme categories, with students participating by reading each word aloud and determining the correct category for words like 'stare', 'wear', 'pair', and 'scared'. To apply their learning, children are then asked to write phrases dictated by the teacher on their mini whiteboards, such as "The bear had very long hair" and "Take care on the stairs", allowing them to demonstrate their grasp of the /air/ phoneme in context.

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