Week 23, lesson 4 Review Day "ow" Short "oo", Long "oo, oa, o, yoo- Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 23, lesson 4 Review Day "ow" Short "oo", Long "oo, oa, o, yoo- Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In Week 23, Lesson 4 of the phonics curriculum, students are set to revisit and consolidate their understanding of a range of phonemes they have encountered over the past four weeks. The objective for the day is straightforward: to review phonemes, which include the sounds /ow/ as in "cow", the short /oo/ as in "book", the long /oo/ as in "moon", /oa/ as in "boat", /o/ as in "hot", /yoo/ as in "music", and /oy/ as in "toy". This comprehensive review is intended to reinforce the students' phonetic knowledge and improve their reading skills.

The lesson begins with a 'Word Breaker' activity where a word is spoken aloud and the class is tasked with breaking it down into individual sounds before saying it again in unison. This is followed by a 'Teach' phase, where the teacher displays pictophones—visual representations of sounds such as Owl, Oon, Unicorn, Oyster, Ook, Ogre, Organ, and Ox—and the students are asked to identify the corresponding phoneme. The teacher then models the writing of words containing these phonemes, underlining the relevant graphemes. In the 'Practise' section of the lesson, a 'Sound Swap' game is played, where students transform one word into another by changing letters, thus applying their knowledge of phonemes. The lesson concludes with an 'Apply' activity, where children are asked to write dictated words containing the reviewed phonemes on their mini whiteboards, allowing for individual practice and assessment of their phonics skills.