Week 24, lesson 1 Phonemes "er,ir,ur" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation

Year 1
Week 24, lesson 1 Phonemes "er,ir,ur" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The lesson begins with an introduction to the phonemes "er," "ir," and "ur," which is part of the Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3 curriculum. The aim of this lesson is to help students distinguish between these similar sounds and understand their usage in various words. The lesson starts with a 'Back to Menu' which likely serves as a navigation point for the presentation and a quick recap of previous lessons with an activity called 'Quickdash,' designed to refresh the students' memory of previously learnt phonemes.

During the 'TEACH' phase of the lesson, the educator introduces words that contain the target phonemes, such as 'letter,' 'burn,' and 'first.' This helps students to see the phonemes in context and begin to recognise the patterns in their usage. Following this, the 'PRACTISE' section involves a game called 'SPOT THE FAKE,' which likely encourages students to identify words with incorrect phoneme applications, enhancing their discernment of the correct sounds. Finally, the 'APPLY' stage of the lesson allows students to demonstrate their understanding by using mini whiteboards to write words or sentences incorporating the "er," "ir," and "ur" phonemes. The lesson concludes with a review of the learning outcomes and possibly a preview of the next steps or a summative activity to consolidate the day's learning.