Week 23, lesson 3 Review Day "aw,au" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Presentation
English Resource Description
In Week 23's third lesson, part of Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3, students engage in a comprehensive review day focusing on the "aw" and "au" sounds. The lesson begins by revisiting previously learned content with a "Quickdash" activity, where students rapidly identify and read words containing these sounds. This quick-paced start serves as a warm-up to refresh their memory and prepare them for the day's learning objectives.
The teaching segment of the lesson delves deeper into the sounds "or," "ore," "our," "aw," and "au," with a particular emphasis on the words "draw" and "haunt." Students are then encouraged to practice blending and segmenting these sounds through interactive activities, filling in missing letters to complete words such as "r__aw," "_awj," "y___naw," "w_nta," "swa_p," and "_tocks." The application of their phonics skills is further reinforced with a mini whiteboard exercise, allowing them to write and work with the sounds actively. The lesson concludes with a review of the learned content, ensuring that the students have a solid understanding of the "aw" and "au" phonemes and are able to recognize and use them confidently in their reading and writing.