Week 21, lesson 1 Phoneme Long "oo, ew, ou, u_e, ue" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3- Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 21, lesson 1 Phoneme Long "oo, ew, ou, u_e, ue" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3- Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the first lesson of Week 21, the focus is on exploring the long /oo/ phoneme and its various spellings within the context of Phase 5 Phonics. The objective of the lesson is clear: students will learn different ways to spell words that contain the long /oo/ sound. This phoneme can be spelled using different graphemes, such as , , , , and . The lesson starts with a 'Quickdash' activity, where children quickly shout out the phonemes corresponding to a selection of grapheme flashcards, including digraphs and trigraphs, that they have previously learned.

The teaching segment introduces the Oon pictophone, a visual aid that helps children associate the long /oo/ phoneme with its representation. The teacher writes the various graphemes on the board and, together with the class, practices writing words that contain each grapheme. Important observations are made, such as the rarity of the grapheme at the end of words, with 'you' being a notable exception. During the 'Spot the Fake' practice activity, the children engage with real and nonsense words written on coins, sorting them into a treasure chest if they are real, or into a bin if they are fake. Finally, the application of the lesson involves mini whiteboard work, where children write down dictated words and sentences that include the long /oo/ phoneme, thereby reinforcing their understanding and ability to use the various graphemes learned in the lesson.