Week 18, lesson 3 Review Day "ee" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 18, lesson 3 Review Day "ee" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 3 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson of Week 18, part of the Phase 5 phonics programme, the class focuses on the phoneme /ee/. The objective of the day is to practice reading and spelling words containing this specific sound. The lesson begins with a 'Quickdash Words' activity, where words from recent lessons are presented on the board, each with sound buttons beneath them. The class works together to decode the words, breaking them down phoneme by phoneme, guided by the sound buttons.

The teaching segment introduces the Eagle pictophone, a visual aid to help children remember the /ee/ sound. The teacher then lists the six graphemes that can represent the /ee/ phoneme on the board: , , , , , , and . Children are encouraged to contribute words that contain the /ee/ sound, which are then written under the appropriate grapheme section, ensuring at least one example per grapheme, such as 'see', 'meat', and 'lady'. The practice activity involves a 'Sound Swap', where the teacher writes a word on the board, the children read it, and then they work together to transform it into a new word by changing some of the letters. Finally, the application of the day's learning is through 'Mini Whiteboard Work', where children write down phrases dictated by the teacher that includes words with the /ee/ phoneme, allowing them to apply their knowledge in writing.

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