Week 17, lesson 4 Spelling High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, part 1 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 17, lesson 4 Spelling High Frequency Words - Phonics Phase 5, part 1 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the fourth lesson of Week 17, the focus is on spelling high frequency words (HFWs) within the Phonics Phase 5 curriculum. The objective is straightforward: to improve the ability to spell words that the students have already encountered. The lesson begins with a 'Word Breaker' activity where a word is spoken aloud, and the class breaks it down into its constituent sounds before saying it together again. This helps reinforce phonemic awareness and is repeated with several words to ensure understanding.

The teaching segment involves a more interactive approach, inviting a student to select a word from a hat and decode it, with teacher assistance if necessary. The class then collectively identifies the phonemes within the word, followed by the teacher modelling the spelling process while sound-talking. This process is repeated with multiple words to provide ample practice. The 'Countdown' activity gets the children actively involved, as they line up and take turns decoding and blending words from the board, with the option of 'free choice' or 'lucky dip' to add an element of chance. Points are tallied for each correctly read word, adding a competitive edge to the learning. To apply their knowledge, students are then tasked with writing dictated words and sentences on mini whiteboards, allowing for immediate feedback and correction. The lesson plan is designed with supportive measures, such as helping struggling readers and pairing low-confidence readers, to create a nurturing learning environment. Praise is emphasised for each child's efforts, recognising the challenge of reading in front of peers.