Week 17, lesson 1 New Grapheme "ai, ay, a_e" - Phonics Phase 5, , unit 3- Presentation

Year 1
Week 17, lesson 1 New Grapheme "ai, ay, a_e" - Phonics Phase 5, , unit 3- Presentation
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the first lesson of Week 17, students in Phonics Phase 5, Unit 3, are introduced to the new graphemes "ai, ay, a_e". The lesson is structured to begin with a quick review, engaging students with a 'Quickdash' activity to revisit previously learned content and warm up their phonics skills. This sets the stage for the new learning focus, ensuring that students are ready to tackle the new graphemes with a refreshed memory of related phonics principles.

The teaching segment of the lesson introduces the graphemes through interactive activities, including a game that incorporates words such as 'game', 'stay', and 'rain', which all contain the target sounds. Students then move on to practising these sounds, filling in the blanks in partially completed words like 'r__nai', 'c_k_a e', and 'pl__ay', which helps to reinforce their understanding and recognition of the graphemes in different contexts. The application of this new knowledge is facilitated through the use of mini whiteboards, allowing for hands-on practice and individual expression. As the lesson comes to a close, students are encouraged to reflect on what they've learned and prepare for the subsequent steps in their phonics journey.