Week 14, lesson 5 High Frequency Words (like,some,so,not,then) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 14, lesson 5 High Frequency Words (like,some,so,not,then) - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the final lesson of Week 14, the focus is on reinforcing the understanding of five high-frequency words: like, some, so, not, and then. The objective of the day is clear: to review these commonly used words to ensure the children are familiar with them. The lesson begins with a 'Word Breaker' activity where a word is spoken aloud, and the class is encouraged to segment it into its individual phonemes before saying the word in unison once more. This exercise is repeated with a few words to strengthen phonemic awareness.

Next, the teacher writes the high-frequency words on the board, prompting the children to decode them. This is followed by a brainstorming session where students come up with sentences that incorporate these words, enhancing their understanding of context and usage. To make the learning process more engaging, a game is suggested where students work in pairs and take turns to call out the words as the teacher cycles through them. The practice continues with a 'HFW Treasure Hunt,' where children search for flashcards with high-frequency words (and avoid the decoy nonsense words) hidden around the classroom. Once found, they record the real words on a treasure list. The lesson concludes with a mini whiteboard activity, where children write the words and phrases dictated by the teacher, showcasing their ability to apply what they've learned in written form.