Week 14, lesson 3 "th" Digraph - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 14, lesson 3 "th" Digraph - Phonics Phase 5, unit 2 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the third lesson of Week 14, students in Phase 5, Unit 2 of their phonics journey are introduced to the digraph, a combination of letters that produce a single phoneme. The objective of this lesson is to familiarize students with the different sounds that the grapheme can represent. The lesson starts with a quickwrite activity where children are asked to write down the grapheme corresponding to a phoneme said aloud, and then share their answers by holding up their whiteboards.

During the teaching phase, the instructor writes a large on the board and encourages the children to suggest the sounds this digraph can make. To reinforce learning, visual aids such as 'The Thief with the Beef' and 'That in a Hat' are placed on the board, and the phonemes are illustrated with words like "this" and "thank". The practice activity involves a word sort, where words are decoded by the children and then categorized under the correct sound represented by the pictophones. Words used in this activity include "this", "that", "those", "there", "them", "thin", "path", "bath", "thief", and "third". To apply their knowledge, students are then given dictation exercises using mini whiteboards, where they write down words or sentences containing the digraph, such as "Thank you for this gift," "My father is forty-three," and individual words like "smooth", "thing", and "these".

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