Week 1, lesson 1 New Grapheme "ay" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Lesson plan

Year 1
Week 1, lesson 1 New Grapheme "ay" - Phonics Phase 5, unit 1 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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In the initial lesson of Week 1 for Phonics Phase 5, Unit 1, young learners are introduced to the new grapheme . The objective of the day is to acquaint children with this grapheme, which represents the /ai/ phoneme. The lesson begins with a selection of pictophones, including the Ape, which the children are asked to identify as the representative for the /ai/ phoneme. The Ape pictophone is then placed on the board as a visual aid.

The lesson continues with a 'Quickdash' activity, a fast-paced review of previously learned grapheme/pictophone flashcards, where children shout out the corresponding phoneme and pictophone name. The teaching segment explains that some phonemes can be spelled differently, illustrating that does not typically appear at the end of words, with examples such as "pain" and "pay". The children then engage in 'Spot the Fake', an activity where they sound out real and nonsense words, sorting them accordingly. Additionally, the 'Missing Letter' exercise helps children identify the correct letter to complete words on the board. The lesson concludes with 'Mini Whiteboard Work', where children transcribe dictated words or sentences, further reinforcing their understanding of the new grapheme. Teaching notes remind educators to update the Phase 5 ship poster with the new grapheme and its corresponding pictophone.