Week 4, lesson 2 Tricky Words (do,does,when,out) - Phonics Phase 4- Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 4, lesson 2 Tricky Words (do,does,when,out) - Phonics Phase 4- Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
All Aboard Learning

English Resource Description

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The lesson plan for Week 4, Day 2, in the All Aboard Phonics Phase 4 series is dedicated to teaching children four new 'tricky words': do, does, when, and out. The objective of the day is clearly stated, with the aim of familiarizing students with these words that do not follow the usual phonetic rules. The lesson begins with a 'Quickwrite' activity, where children are encouraged to write down graphemes corresponding to phonemes said aloud, using their whiteboards for practice. This acts as a warm-up exercise, revisiting previous phonics knowledge and preparing students for the new content.

The teaching segment introduces the tricky words, with the teacher sound-talking each word and encouraging the children to repeat them. Special attention is given to the words 'do' and 'does', highlighting their similarity and usage in sentences through examples. Following this, the 'Tricky Word Race' game involves the children in a fun team activity, where they race to read the tricky words from a selection of cards. To apply their learning, the 'Caption Match' activity requires children to match phrases written on the board with corresponding pictures, fostering comprehension and retention of the tricky words. Finally, 'Mini Whiteboard Work' consolidates the lesson, where children write the tricky words and dictated phrases, further embedding their understanding of the day's learning objectives.

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