Week 2, lesson 5 Phoneme "d" Grapheme "d" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan

Nursery - Reception
Week 2, lesson 5 Phoneme "d" Grapheme "d" - Phonics Phase 2 - Lesson plan
All Aboard Learning
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Week 2, Lesson 5 of a Phonics Phase 2 curriculum introduces the phoneme "d" and its corresponding grapheme "d" to young learners. The lesson plan is meticulously structured to help children recognise and pronounce the sound "d" as it appears at the beginning of words. A key activity within this lesson involves using the simple and relatable phrase "dog on a log" to reinforce the target phoneme. This repetitive and rhythmic sentence not only captures the children's attention but also provides them with a practical and engaging way to practice the sound. The phrase is carefully chosen to include words that start with the "d" sound, thereby providing immediate application of the phoneme in a memorable context.

The lesson's focus on the phoneme "d" extends to various interactive activities that encourage children to identify the sound in different words and contexts. These activities are designed to enhance auditory discrimination and visual recognition of the "d" grapheme. By consistently associating the sound with the letter "d" through various exercises, children are able to solidify their understanding and improve their phonetic skills. The lesson plan from AllAboardLearning.com is a resource that aims to create a strong phonemic foundation for early readers, setting the stage for their future reading and writing success.