Week 3, lesson 5 Letter formation - "c" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 3, lesson 5 Letter formation - "c" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet
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In the third week, fifth lesson of the phonics curriculum, young learners are introduced to the letter formation of "c" as part of Phase 2 phonics. The lesson's objective is clear: to understand the grapheme, which represents the /k/ phoneme. The class begins with a 'Quickdash' activity where children quickly review flashcards of previously learned graphemes and pictophones, shouting out their sounds and names at an increasing pace to reinforce their memory and recognition.

The teaching segment of the lesson emphasizes that no new phonetic characters are being introduced; instead, the focus is on the digraph , a combination of two letters producing a single sound. The instructor demonstrates the difference between the graphemes for "kid," "can," and "kick," highlighting that is never used at the beginning of a word. Students then practice forming the grapheme both in the air and on each other's backs to develop their motor skills. They engage in a 'Word Match' activity, pairing object flashcards with corresponding word flashcards, involving words like "sock," "kick," "sack," and "pack." The application of their learning continues with a 'Caption Match' exercise where they read sentences and match them to the correct images, enhancing their reading and comprehension skills. The lesson offers extension activities such as using playdough and writing in sand for a multisensory learning experience.