Week 3, lesson 1 Letter formation - "g" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet

Nursery - Reception
Week 3, lesson 1 Letter formation - "g" - Phonics Phase 2 - Worksheet
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The focus of Week 3, Lesson 1 in the Phonics Phase 2 curriculum is on the letter formation of the grapheme "g" and the phoneme /o/. The objective of the lesson is to familiarise the students with the /o/ sound, introduced through an engaging character, the Ox in Red Socks. The lesson begins with a fun 'Quickdash' activity, where children review flashcards of graphemes and pictophones they have previously learned, shouting out the corresponding phoneme and name at an increasing pace to reinforce their memory and recognition skills.

Teachers then tell a story that features the Ox in Red Socks, using the opportunity to emphasise the /o/ sound, which helps the children associate the sound with the character and the grapheme . The story is about the Ox's newfound love for his vibrant red socks, and each time he wears them, he expresses his joy with an /o/ /o/ /o/. To further cement the learning, children are encouraged to mime the action of pulling on socks while saying the /o/ sound. Practising the grapheme involves finger writing in the air or on a peer's back, before moving on to decode, blend, and act out words such as 'dog', 'cap', 'pig', 'dig', 'cat', and 'top' on the whiteboard. The lesson concludes with students practising writing the grapheme on mini whiteboards, and extension activities may include using chalk or participating in a Letter Hunt to apply the day's learning.