Week 3, lesson 1 Phoneme "g" Grapheme "g" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation

Nursery - Reception
Week 3, lesson 1 Phoneme "g" Grapheme "g" - Phonics Phase 2 - Presentation
All Aboard Learning
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In the first lesson of Week 3, students are introduced to the phoneme "g" and its corresponding grapheme "g". This lesson is a part of the Phonics Phase 2 curriculum and is designed to help students make the connection between the sound and the letter symbol. The lesson begins with an introduction that sets the stage for learning, followed by a quick review of previously learned phonemes through a 'Quickdash' activity, which serves as a warm-up to refresh the students' memory and prepare them for the new content.

As the lesson moves into the teaching phase, students are guided through slides that focus on the "g" sound and its representation by the letter "g". The practice portion of the lesson involves engaging activities such as 'WORD MATCH', where students work on associating the "g" sound with words that contain this phoneme. The lesson is structured to allow for progressive learning, with each slide building upon the last, ensuring that students have ample opportunity to understand and practise the new phoneme-grapheme relationship. The lesson concludes with a wrap-up that brings the session to a close, solidifying the day's learning and ensuring that students are prepared to continue their phonics journey.