Gymnastics - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Gymnastics - Lesson 6

Physical Education Resource Description

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Lesson 6 in the Reception Gymnastics series is designed to teach young students the fundamentals of basic gymnastic rolls. The learning objectives are clear: pupils should be able to perform rocking and rolling movements forwards and backwards, execute a straight pencil roll, and accomplish an egg roll. The success of the lesson is measured by the pupils' ability to demonstrate these rolls with control and precision. Key vocabulary such as 'rolling', 'tuck', 'pencil', 'egg', and 'tight muscles' is introduced to help the children understand and communicate about the movements they are learning. Essential equipment for the lesson includes cones and gymnastics mats to ensure safety and provide a suitable environment for the activities.

The lesson begins with a dynamic 'Traffic Light Twist' warm-up, where pupils navigate the space, respond to colour-coded commands, and prepare their bodies for the session ahead. The main activities are structured to allow pupils to practice the rolls in pairs, taking turns while one observes and the other performs. The 'Rock & Roll' and 'Seated Rock' activities focus on developing the tuck shape and the ability to rock without using arms. The 'Pencil Rolls' task challenges pupils to maintain a straight, tense body shape as they roll across the mat. Finally, the 'Egg Rolls' encourage children to curl up and roll sideways, emulating the motion of an egg. Throughout these exercises, key teaching points are emphasised, and teacher notes provide guidance on demonstrating skills and managing the class. The lesson concludes with a cool-down session where reflective questions are asked, allowing children to consider what they have learned and their favourite aspects of the gymnastics unit.