Gymnastics - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Gymnastics - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description

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The initial lesson in Reception gymnastics focuses on developing young students' ability to utilise various methods of movement across a gymnastics mat. The learning objectives set clear goals for the pupils: to balance on different body parts, to perform a pencil roll, and to mimic the travelling actions of a partner. The success of the lesson is measured by the children's ability to meet these criteria. Essential gymnastics terminology such as 'balancing', 'rolling', and 'crawling' is introduced, ensuring pupils are familiar with the key vocabulary. The lesson requires basic equipment like gymnastics mats and cones to facilitate the activities. The warm-up involves a fun 'Body Parts' game where children are encouraged to balance on a cone with a designated body part, such as a knee or foot, enhancing their balance and coordination.

The main part of the lesson, which lasts 30 minutes, sees children engaging in a variety of movements across the mats. They take turns to practice pencil rolls, hopscotch, jumping jacks, bear crawls, and snake slides, with an emphasis on maintaining straight lines and proper form to ensure safety and effectiveness. Each activity is designed to develop different motor skills and body awareness. The lesson concludes with a 'Follow the Leader' cool-down exercise, where pupils work in pairs to copy each other's movements, fostering teamwork and observational skills. This structured approach to gymnastics for Reception pupils provides a balanced mix of physical challenge, skill development, and enjoyment.

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