Dance - Minibeasts - Lesson 6

Physical Education
Physical Education
Dance - Minibeasts - Lesson 6

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the sixth dance lesson for Reception children, the aim is to perform movements that resemble various minibeasts, integrating what they have learned in previous sessions. To succeed, pupils must be able to recall movements from past lessons and demonstrate the ability to move at different speeds, positions, and levels. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as 'slow', 'fast', 'freeze', 'shapes', 'symmetrical', 'mirroring', and 'unison'. To facilitate the lesson, minibeast posters and music recommendations are provided as resources.

The class begins with a 10-minute warm-up where children find a space and follow the teacher's movements, which include head and shoulder rotations, hip movements, foot rotations, jumping, and stretching. After warming up, they jog around the room and form groups based on numbers called out by the teacher. The main 30-minute activity involves rehearsing a minibeast dance, which combines movements representing spiders, bees, butterflies, and ladybirds. The teacher guides the dance sequence and uses minibeast images to cue the children. If the children perform well, they may have the opportunity to present their dance to an audience. The lesson concludes with a 'Simon Says' game to cool down, where children must follow actions only when preceded by the phrase 'Simon Says'.