Dance - Farm - Lesson 4

Physical Education
Physical Education
Dance - Farm - Lesson 4

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the fourth lesson of a dance series themed around the farm, Reception students are encouraged to engage in group work to choreograph a sequence. The learning objectives aim for the pupils to effectively work as a group, explore a range of movements, and travel through space. To achieve this, the lesson utilises key vocabulary such as 'unison', 'leader', and 'direction', and incorporates equipment and resources like pictures or videos of ducklings following their mother to inspire the children's movements. The lesson begins with a warm-up where the class forms a circle and follows the teacher in a game of follow the leader, incorporating various movements and changes in direction.

The main part of the lesson spans 30 minutes and is centred around the children working in small groups to imitate the movement of ducklings following their mother. The class is divided into groups, with each child given a number and instructed to follow each other in sequence, taking turns to lead. The leader incorporates different arm movements, jumps, turns, and rolls, which the group must copy, with the teacher providing background music to enhance the experience. The lesson concludes with a cool down session, where children stretch and relax their muscles, following the teacher's instructions, and prepare to transition out of the class by putting on their shoes and socks and lining up quietly.