Dance - Farm - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Dance - Farm - Lesson 1

Physical Education Resource Description

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In the first lesson of the Reception dance series with a farm theme, young learners are encouraged to explore movement and rhythm through a fun and engaging activity. The learning objectives are centred around the ability to move in time with music, specifically to a count of eight beats. The success of the lesson is measured by the pupils' ability to use the space effectively, move independently, count to the music's beat, and stay in time with the rhythm. Key vocabulary such as 'trotting', 'leaping', and 'pointed toes' are introduced, alongside recommended music and a colourful action poster to aid instruction. The warm-up consists of various movements linked to different coloured cones, prompting actions like jumping, balancing, and turning, all initiated by the teacher's signal.

The main portion of the lesson is dedicated to embodying the movements of a horse. The class begins with a discussion about farm animals, followed by an exercise where the children clap and count to the beat of the music, setting the foundation for their dance movements. The teacher then demonstrates how to trot in place, mimicking a horse, and encourages the children to try this movement to the music. As the lesson progresses, the children practice trotting around the room and leaping over cones, akin to a horse jumping over obstacles. The lesson concludes with a cool-down routine, where children stretch and relax their muscles, and finally, they prepare to leave the room in an orderly fashion. This lesson not only teaches dance and coordination but also helps children develop an understanding of musical rhythm and creative expression through physical activity.