Agility, Space and Movement - Lesson 3

Physical Education
Physical Education
Agility, Space and Movement - Lesson 3

Physical Education Resource Description

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Striver Lesson Plans for Reception students in Athletics focus on enhancing agility, space, and movement in Lesson 3. The learning objectives are centred around developing control, coordination, and imaginative movement. Success criteria for the lesson include the ability for pupils to navigate space while being aware of others, to start and stop movement swiftly, and to perform various actions using a quoit. Key vocabulary terms such as movement, space, coordination, direction, and actions are introduced, along with specific movements like rolling and balancing. The lesson requires equipment such as quoits and involves a warm-up session where children mimic jungle animal movements to improve their spatial awareness and coordination.

Diving into the main activity, the lesson takes the children on an imaginative 'Jungle Trip', where they act out a journey through the jungle, incorporating the animal movements practised during the warm-up. Teachers lead this activity with enthusiasm, encouraging pupils to listen carefully and move with consideration for the space around them. Following this, the children engage in an interactive game called 'Gears', using quoits as steering wheels to navigate through different speeds and actions that mimic driving a car. The lesson concludes with a cool-down activity, 'Quoit Rolling', where pupils perform a series of actions with their quoits, such as balancing them on their heads and rolling them on the floor, aiming to control the quoit without colliding with others. This cool-down is designed to further develop their motor skills and spatial awareness in a fun and engaging way.