Agility, Space and Movement - Lesson 1

Physical Education
Physical Education
Agility, Space and Movement - Lesson 1
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The first lesson in a series for Nursery students, focusing on Agility, Space and Movement, aims to teach children how to explore space around them safely. The learning objectives are for pupils to move in various ways around the room, to do so safely, and to listen and follow instructions. Key vocabulary introduced includes terms such as 'space', 'personal space', 'follow', 'lead', 'copy', 'walk', 'jump', 'skip', 'hop', and 'crawl'. Essential equipment for the lesson includes a class set of cones and a musical instrument like a drum or tambourine. The warm-up involves placing cones around the hall for each pupil, defining personal space, and using the sound of a drum to reinforce the concept of finding personal space. The warm-up also includes an active rendition of 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes', with variations in tempo and actions.

The main part of the lesson, lasting 15 minutes, is an interactive game called 'Teacher Says', where children copy and follow instructions, practicing movements such as touching toes, reaching up tall, and rolling shoulders. This helps to assess the children's ability to follow directions and move safely around the hall. The game progresses to movements around the cones, with instructions to walk, tiptoe, and skip, providing an opportunity for assessment and discussion on which movements were challenging or enjoyable. The lesson concludes with a 5-minute cool-down. During the cool-down, children find a new space, march on the spot, and gradually slow down their movements, incorporating deep breathing and shaking out limbs to understand the importance of cooling down and stretching after exercise.