Jumping: Long Jump - Lesson plan

Physical Education
Year 5
Jumping: Long Jump - Lesson plan
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
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The third lesson in the Athletics unit for Year 5 focuses on the Long Jump, aiming to teach students the fundamental techniques for an effective long jump and to differentiate between standing and running jumps. Students will also learn how arm movement can enhance jumping distance. The lesson's objectives include replicating the basic long jump technique, understanding the differences in jump types, utilizing arms for added distance, and providing constructive feedback on performance. To achieve these goals, resources such as cones, hoops, and resource cards will be used, along with literacy elements like speed, power, and the phases of the jump: run-up, take-off, and landing.

The lesson begins with a warm-up called 'Hoop Shift' lasting 5 minutes, where pupils move bean bags between hoops, focusing on sidestepping, knee bending, and quick feet. The main activity involves 'Hoop Jumping' for 15 minutes, where pairs work together to throw and jump into hoops, with the game evolving to include obstacles and discussions on power generation for distance. This leads to a 'Jumping for Distance Competition' for 10 minutes, where small groups engage in a 25m frog hop challenge and measure the increase in jump distance when a run-up is incorporated. The lesson concludes with a 'Cool Down' session of Hopscotch for 5 minutes, emphasizing balance and accuracy over speed. Throughout the lesson, success is measured by the ability to use a run-up effectively, accurately judge take-off points, and maintain control during the jump.

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Part of a lesson by PE Resources Bank