Relay Rounders

Physical Education
Year 3
Relay Rounders
PE Resources Bank
PE Resources Bank
AI generated

Relay Rounders is a dynamic and engaging game for Year 3 students, designed to encourage teamwork and physical activity. The objective of the game is to accumulate points by striking a ball with a bat and then running between a designated safe zone and the home plate. The game is played with two teams, each consisting of four players, with one team batting while the other fields.

The necessary equipment for Relay Rounders includes two hoops, a selection of cones to mark the playing area, a tennis ball, and a rounders bat or a similar hitting implement. The rules are straightforward: a batter hits the ball off a tee and then runs to the safety zone and back home to score points. Alternatively, the batter can choose to stay in the safety zone after the first run, waiting for the next hit to dash back home. A successful round trip before the ball is returned to the runner's hoop scores six runs. However, if the fielding team manages to get the ball back to the hoop before the batter returns, no runs are scored. Each batter gets three opportunities to hit the ball before the teams switch roles, from batting to fielding and vice versa.

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