PE Resources Bank

  • P.E. schemes of work for Years 1 to 11
  • Clear year-on-year progression
  • Medium-term plans and level descriptors to save planning time
  • Cover a wide-range of sports and activities to spark pupil interest in P.E.
All your P.E. planning is done with ready-to-teach P.E. schemes of work for Years 1 to 11.
Hundreds of engaging and stimulating P.E. lessons
Quality P.E. schemes and lesson plans covering a wide range of activities to help pupils discover a love of P.E..
Hundreds of engaging and stimulating P.E. lessons
National curriculum coverage for Years 1 to 11
National curriculum coverage for Years 1 to 11
Medium term plans show clear progression of knowledge and skills so you can be confident all curriculum requirements have been covered.
Ensure clear progress and encourage pupils to develop a love of P.E..
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