Max Maths, Year 5, Maths Challenge, Finding percentages of simple quantities

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Maths Challenge, Finding percentages of simple quantities
Max Maths
Max Maths
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The Max Maths Year 5 Maths Challenge provides an engaging set of problems to help students practice finding percentages of simple quantities. In the 'Let’s Try It' section, students are tasked with calculating the percentages of various numbers. For example, they are asked to find 20% of 50, 35% of 80, and 15% of 40, among others. These exercises range from straightforward calculations such as finding 50% of 84 to more challenging ones like determining 95% of 200. The questions are designed to reinforce the concept of percentages and provide ample practice for students to become proficient in this area of mathematics.

The 'Maths Challenge' section takes the concept of percentages further by applying it to real-world scenarios. Students are required to solve problems that involve determining the percentage of a quantity within a larger group. For instance, they must figure out what percentage of cars in a parking lot are blue, what percentage of Year 5 learners are girls, and the percentage of female students in a class of 50. Additionally, there is a practical application problem where students must calculate the number of parents who believe it is safe for their children to walk to school, based on a survey where 80% of 300 parents agreed. These challenges aim to strengthen students' understanding of percentages and their ability to apply mathematical knowledge to everyday situations.