Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Review of decimals (2)

Maths Resource Description
In the 'Max Maths, Year 5' curriculum, students continue their exploration of decimals with a review lesson that helps them to understand how fractions are expressed as decimal numbers. The lesson provides a clear demonstration of the place value system, which includes ones, tenths, hundredths, and even thousandths. By breaking down numbers into their constituent parts, students learn to visualise and articulate decimal numbers with precision. For example, the number 'Eleven point two' is shown as having 1 in the tens place, 1 in the ones place, and 2 in the tenths place, effectively illustrating the number 11.2.
The lesson further reinforces the concept by presenting additional examples. 'Nine point two eight' is represented with 9 in the ones place, 2 in the tenths place, and 8 in the hundredths place, translating to the decimal number 9.28. Similarly, 'Seven point one three' is broken down into 7 ones, 1 tenth, and 3 hundredths, which corresponds to the decimal 7.13. For a more complex number, 'Two point zero five eight' is depicted with 2 ones, 0 tenths, 5 hundredths, and 8 thousandths, which demonstrates the number 2.058. Through these visual representations, students are able to grasp the concrete relationship between fractions and decimals, enhancing their numerical literacy and confidence in handling decimal notation.