Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Word problems (1)

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Learn together, Word problems (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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Max Maths Year 5 introduces students to practical applications of multiplication and time conversion through word problems. In one such problem, pupils are tasked with calculating the total time Samir spends riding his bike in the park over the course of a week. Given that he rides for 45 minutes each day, students are encouraged to approach the problem in two distinct steps to determine the combined hours and minutes of his weekly cycling sessions.

The first step requires students to multiply the daily bike riding time by the number of days in a week. By multiplying 45 minutes by 7, they ascertain that Samir rides for a total of 315 minutes each week. The second step involves converting this total from minutes into hours and minutes to provide a clearer understanding of the time spent. Through this exercise, students enhance their mathematical skills in real-world scenarios, practicing both multiplication and the conversion of different units of time.