Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Expressing a remainder as a fraction

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Work Book, Expressing a remainder as a fraction
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 5 Workbook, students are presented with Practice 4, which is aimed at teaching them how to express the remainders of division problems as fractions. This essential skill in mathematics allows students to represent incomplete divisions in a more precise form. For instance, when dividing 65 by 3, the process is not always going to result in a whole number. The workbook provides structured long-division problems to help students visualize the division process and understand where the remainder comes from.

The practice problems given include (a) 65 divided by 3, (b) 88 divided by 6, (c) 865 divided by 2, and (d) 762 divided by 5. Students are expected to perform the division and then express the remainder as a fraction of the divisor. For example, if 65 divided by 3 results in 21 with a remainder of 2, the complete answer would be expressed as 21 and 2/3. This method of expressing remainders as fractions provides a more accurate representation of the division result, which is particularly useful in problems where exact values are required. The workbook includes step-by-step subtraction sequences to guide students through the division process, ensuring they gain a clear understanding of how to handle remainders in division.

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