Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Subtraction of more than 2 numbers

Year 5
Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Subtraction of more than 2 numbers
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 5 practice book, students are presented with a practical application of subtraction involving multiple numbers. The problem centres on calculating the height of Nadia, who is 3 cm shorter than Zara, who in turn is 5 cm shorter than Hassan. Hassan's height is given as 162 cm. Students are required to perform sequential subtractions to determine Nadia's height, starting with Hassan's height and subtracting the differences in height step by step. The question is structured to guide students through the subtraction process, prompting them to fill in the blanks with the correct calculations and ultimately find Nadia's height in centimetres.

The "Let's Practise" section encourages students to sharpen their mental arithmetic skills by subtracting a series of numbers without the aid of a calculator. It offers a range of subtraction problems with varying levels of complexity, from simple two-number subtractions to more challenging sequences involving four numbers. The exercises are designed to reinforce the concept of performing subtraction from left to right and to help students become more confident and efficient in their calculations. The practice book further directs students to workbook pages where they can continue practising these skills and solidify their understanding of subtraction. Additionally, a hint is provided to engage students' curiosity by asking if they know Zara's height, prompting them to apply what they have learned in the previous exercise.