Max Maths, Year 5, Practice, Multiplying numbers by 10 or 100

Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths Year 5 practice book, there's an exercise dedicated to multiplying numbers by 10 or 100, which is a key skill for students to master. The exercise begins with an example problem, showing how to multiply 302 by 100. This is visually represented using a place value chart that includes ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands, helping students to understand how each digit shifts when multiplied by a base of ten. The exercise reinforces the concept that multiplying by 10 or 100 results in shifting the digits to the left by one or two places respectively, in the place value chart.
The "Let's Practise" section provides several multiplication problems for students to solve, reinforcing their understanding of the concept. Students are asked to multiply various numbers by 10 or 100 and fill in the blanks for given products. For example, they are tasked with finding the missing number in equations such as "× 100 = 46,500" or "317 × = 3,170". Additionally, they must determine the correct multiplier in problems like "241 × = 24,100". These exercises are designed to not only practice multiplication but also to deepen the students' comprehension of place value and the effects of multiplying by powers of ten. To continue their practice, students are directed to workbook pages 15 to 16 for further exercises.