Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Comparing and ordering decimals (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Comparing and ordering decimals (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson on comparing and ordering decimals, students learn the importance of examining the whole number part of decimal numbers first to determine which is greater. Through an example involving two students, Jade and Samir, the lesson illustrates a practical scenario where they enter decimal numbers into a calculator to see who has the larger number. The key learning point is that even though Jade's number has 9 tenths and 8 hundredths, it is still smaller than Samir's number because when comparing decimals, the whole number part holds more weight. Jade's number has a whole number part of 8, whereas Samir's is 12, making Samir's number the greater of the two despite the smaller fractional parts.

The lesson continues to clarify this concept by addressing a common misconception. It explains that before looking at the tenths, hundredths, or any other decimal places, one must always compare the whole number parts. In this example, even though Jade's decimal parts might seem large, they do not make her number greater than Samir's because the whole number part is what matters most in the comparison. Samir's number, having 1 in the tens place compared to Jade's 0, determines that his number is indeed larger. This foundational understanding is crucial for students as they explore more complex aspects of decimal numbers in mathematics.