Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Tenths (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Tenths (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson, students are introduced to the concept of tenths using a practical example. Padma, a character in the lesson, demonstrates that one-tenth is equivalent to the decimal 0.1. To help visualise this, she creates a table that links pictures of fractions to their decimal counterparts. The table lists fractions from one-tenth (1/10) all the way to ten-tenths (10/10), which is equal to one whole. Each fraction is clearly shown alongside its decimal form, such as two-tenths being 0.2, three-tenths being 0.3, and so on, up to nine-tenths which is 0.9. This visual representation aids students in understanding how fractions translate into decimals.

The table is a straightforward and effective tool for teaching the relationship between fractions and decimals. It starts with one-tenth, written as 1/10, which is shown to be the same as the decimal 0.1. The sequence continues with two-tenths (2/10) equalling 0.2, and the pattern follows through with each subsequent tenth increasing by 0.1 in its decimal form. By the time students reach ten-tenths (10/10), they can see that it is equivalent to the decimal 1.0, representing one whole. This methodical approach helps solidify the understanding of tenths and their decimal equivalents, making it easier for students to grasp more complex decimal concepts in the future.