Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (1)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (1)
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 4, students learn the fundamental concept of dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. A practical example used to illustrate this mathematical operation involves dividing 68 counters into 4 equal groups. To help visualise the process, the counters are represented in groups, showing that when 68 is divided into 4, each group contains 17 counters. This hands-on method reinforces the division calculation, demonstrating that 68 divided by 4 equals 17. The exercise also introduces the concept of regrouping, where blocks of ten are converted into ones to facilitate easier division.

The lesson encourages collaborative learning, as students are prompted to 'Let's Learn Together'. This approach fosters an interactive classroom environment where students can engage with the material and each other to enhance their understanding of division. The example given is a clear representation of how to divide a larger number into smaller, equal parts, a key skill in arithmetic. Students are not only taught the mechanics of division but are also shown the importance of equal distribution, a concept that can be applied to many real-life situations.