Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Multiplying 2-digit numbers with regrouping
Maths Resource Description
In the Max Maths curriculum for Year 4, students are encouraged to practice their multiplication skills, specifically focusing on multiplying 2-digit numbers using the column method, which may involve regrouping (also known as carrying). The "Let's Try It" section provides a straightforward introduction to this concept with two example problems. Students are asked to multiply 39 by 2 and 27 by 5, using the column method to align the numbers vertically and multiply each digit accordingly.
Moving on to the "Let's Practise" section, the exercises become slightly more complex, requiring students to demonstrate their understanding of the column method and regrouping. They must multiply 27 by 6 and 28 by 7, carefully working through each step and showing their calculations. To support their learning and provide additional exercises, students are directed to workbook (WB) pages 65 to 68, where they can find more examples and practice problems to help them master the skill of multiplying 2-digit numbers with regrouping.