Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers using number lines

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Try it, Addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers using number lines
Max Maths
Max Maths
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Max Maths Year 4 introduces students to the concept of addition and subtraction with 3-digit numbers using an empty number line as a visual aid. This technique allows students to understand and perform calculations step-by-step, which can be especially helpful for visual learners. For instance, when adding 626 and 202, students recognise that 202 is just over 200. They can then use the number line to count on 200 from 626, and then add the remaining 2 to arrive at the total. Similarly, when subtracting 29 from 644, students note that 29 is just under 30. They then count back 30 on the number line and adjust by counting on 1 to find the correct answer.

The exercises provided encourage students to apply this method to various calculations. For example, when adding 103 and 199, they can observe that 199 is just 1 less than 200. They would then add 200 to 103 on the number line and count back 1 to find the sum. In subtraction, such as taking 299 from 882, they see that 299 is close to 300. They subtract 300 first and then count on 1 to get the accurate result. This approach not only helps students perform the calculations but also deepens their understanding of number relationships and the base-ten system. The workbook page reference provided at the end of the exercise suggests further practice opportunities for students to consolidate their learning.