Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Number patterns to 10000 (2)

Year 4
Max Maths, Year 4, Learn together, Number patterns to 10000 (2)
Max Maths
Max Maths
AI generated

In an engaging lesson from Max Maths for Year 4 students, the class embarks on an exploration of number patterns up to 10,000. The activity is designed to help pupils recognise and continue sequences by identifying the rule that governs each pattern. For instance, in one of the exercises, children observe that the sequence increases by 2 at each step. By applying this rule, they determine that adding 2 to the last number, 2,812, gives the next number in the sequence, which is 2,814. This exercise reinforces their addition skills and understanding of numerical order.

Another pattern presents a decreasing sequence, where each number is 1 less than the previous one. When the students subtract 1 from the last number given, 0, they find that the next number is −1, introducing them to the concept of negative numbers. Further exercises involve larger increments and decrements, such as adding 500 to continue a sequence, leading to the next number being 6,000, and subtracting 100 to find that the following number is 7,966. These activities not only enhance the students' ability to work with larger numbers but also solidify their grasp of basic arithmetic operations within the context of number patterns.