Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Clockwise and anticlockwise movement

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Clockwise and anticlockwise movement
Max Maths
Max Maths
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In the Max Maths Year 3 curriculum, students explore the concepts of clockwise and anticlockwise movement, which are fundamental to understanding directions and angles. The learning material introduces children to the movement of the hands around a clock face, which is a practical and visual way to grasp these concepts. The hands of a clock move from the top to the right, then down and back up to the top, which is known as moving in a clockwise direction.

Conversely, when an object moves in the opposite direction to the way the hands of a clock turn, it is said to be moving anticlockwise. This means the object moves from the top to the left, then down, and back up to the top. Understanding the difference between clockwise and anticlockwise movement is crucial for students as they learn about geometry, navigation, and everyday tasks that involve directions, such as opening jars or tightening screws.