Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Word problems (mass)

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Try it, Word problems (mass)
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson from Max Maths, students are presented with a word problem to understand the concept of mass. The problem asks how much heavier Tya is compared to Padma. To solve this, children are encouraged to visually represent the problem with a model that compares the masses of the two individuals. Tya's mass is given as 29 kilograms and 800 grams, while Padma's mass is 25 kilograms and 650 grams.

The solution involves a simple subtraction of the two masses. Students are guided to subtract the kilograms and grams separately. This means taking away 25 kilograms from 29 kilograms and 650 grams from 800 grams. The result of this calculation shows that Tya is 4 kilograms and 150 grams heavier than Padma. The lesson continues with a practical application where students are asked to calculate the total mass of Toby and Tya, using a similar model approach. They are directed to workbook pages for further practice, where they can apply what they've learned to similar problems and reinforce their understanding of measuring and comparing mass.