Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Word problems

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Practice, Word problems
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In Max Maths for Year 3, students are introduced to practical word problems that help them apply their division skills in real-world scenarios. The exercises encourage pupils to visualise numbers and solve problems by grouping them into sets. For example, they may be asked to represent learners with dots and then circle groups of four to determine how many cars are needed to transport them to school. This visual approach aids in understanding division as a method of grouping.

The practice section contains a variety of word problems. Han has 35 building blocks and wants to create stacks of 5. Students must calculate how many stacks he can make. A garage with 32 new tyres prompts the question of how many cars can be fitted with these tyres, assuming each car requires a set number of tyres. Padma's 51 ice lolly sticks need to be divided into groups that can form triangles, and students must figure out how many triangles she can make. Toby has made 168 sandwiches for a school fair and needs to know how many plates he will require if he places 3 sandwiches on each plate. These problems not only sharpen division skills but also help students understand how mathematics is used in everyday situations. To continue practicing, students are directed to workbook pages 146 to 149.

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