Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Sorting according to two criteria using Venn diagram

Year 3
Max Maths, Year 3, Learn together, Sorting according to two criteria using Venn diagram
Max Maths
Max Maths

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 3 mathematics lesson, students learn the concept of sorting numbers based on two criteria using Venn diagrams. A Venn diagram is a visual tool that helps categorise items according to shared and distinct characteristics. In this particular lesson, the two criteria used for sorting are 'Multiples of 3' and 'Odd numbers'. The exercise involves placing numbers into the correct part of the Venn diagram based on these criteria.

Samir, a character in the lesson, demonstrates how to sort a given set of numbers. He identifies 6 and 12 as multiples of 3 and places them in the corresponding set. He then recognises 1 and 5 as odd numbers and allocates them to the 'Odd numbers' set. Numbers that do not meet either criterion, such as 2 and 14, are left outside the Venn diagram. Samir also discovers that the number 9 fits both criteria—it is both a multiple of 3 and an odd number—so he places it in the intersection of the two sets. This intersection represents numbers that share both properties. The lesson continues with the challenge of sorting additional numbers, encouraging students to engage with the Venn diagram and deepen their understanding of number properties.